WCC urges end to escalation in Korea
/Demonstrating for peace (Photo: WCC)
The World Council of Churches (WCC) has reiterated the urgent appeal issued by its Executive Committee last month for “all states engaged in the perilously escalating military confrontation in the [Korean] region to refrain from further escalation and to pursue instead initiatives to reduce tensions and to create a window for new dialogue initiatives”.
The reportedly successful intercontinental ballistic missile test by North Korea on 4th July, and the joint US-South Korean ballistic missile drills it provoked, have raised tensions in the region to a dangerously new high, according to Peter Prove, director of the WCC’s Commission of the Churches on International Affairs.
"As the WCC Executive Committee has recently observed,” noted Prove, “confrontation by military or other means carries far higher risks of conflict – with catastrophic consequences for all people of the peninsula and the region – than prospects of leading to peace. A sustainable peace, and the peaceful denuclearization of the region, cannot be achieved through mutual provocation, but only through dialogue. In this particularly dangerous moment, self-restraint is indeed all that separates armistice and war. We call on all parties to beware of this perilous threshold." [WCC News]